
extended python types for the web and json



The limited set of base types provide by jsonschema.


Package Contents

wtypes.__version__ = 0.0.2
class wtypes.spec

A hook to validate types.

validate_object(object, schema)

A hook to validate types.

wtypes.istype(object, cls)

instance(object, type) and issubclass(object, cls)


>>> assert istype(int, int)
>>> assert not istype(10, int)
wtypes.validate_schema(object: object, schema: dict) → None
wtypes.validate_generic(object, cls)
wtypes.__version__ = 0.0.1
class wtypes._Implementation

An implementation of the pluggy wtypes spec.


The implementation needs to be registered with the plugin manager.

validate_object(object, schema)
wtypes.istype(object, cls)

instance(object, type) and issubclass(object, cls)


>>> assert istype(int, int)
>>> assert not istype(10, int)
class wtypes._NoTitle

A subclass suppresses the class name when combining schema

class wtypes._NoInit

A subclass to restrict initializing an object from the type.

class wtypes._ContextMeta

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

Meta operations for the context..


The schema the object validates against.


The schema the object validates against.



A context type cannot be verified as it only describes, althrough some descriptors like SHACL can validate


Merge annotations from the module resolution order.


Merge schema from the module resolution order.


Merge schema from the module resolution order.

__matmul__(cls, object)
validate(cls, object)

A context type does not validate.

__instancecheck__(cls, object)
create(cls, name: str, **schema)

Create a new schema type.

  • name (str) – The title of the new type/schema
  • **schema (dict) – Extra features to add include in the schema.

Return type:


__add__(cls, object)

The Not version of a type.


The type.

__and__(cls, object)

AllOf the conditions

__sub__(cls, object)

AnyOf the conditions

__or__(cls, object)

OneOf the conditions

class wtypes._SchemaMeta

Bases: wtypes.base._ContextMeta

Meta operations for wtypes.

The _SchemaMeta ensures that a type’s extended schema is validate. Types cannot be generated with invalid schema.


The schema the object validates against.


The Not version of a type.


The type.

__and__(cls, object)

AllOf the conditions

__sub__(cls, object)

AnyOf the conditions

__or__(cls, object)

OneOf the conditions

validate(cls, object)

Validate an object against type’s schema.


isinstance can used for validation, too.

Parameters:object – An object to validate.
Raises:jsonschema.ValidationError – The jsonschema module validation throws an exception on failure, otherwise the returns a None type.
class wtypes._ConstType

Bases: wtypes.base._SchemaMeta

ConstType permits bracketed syntax for defining complex types.


The bracketed notebook should differeniate actions on types versus those on objects.

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes._ContainerType

Bases: wtypes.base._ConstType

ContainerType extras schema from bracketed arguments to define complex types.

__getitem__(cls, object)
wtypes._get_schema_from_typeish(object, key='anyOf')

infer a schema from an object.

class wtypes.Trait

A trait is an object validated by a validate jsonschema.

classmethod _resolve_defaults(cls, *args, **kwargs)
wtypes.get_jawn(thing, key, object)
class wtypes.Description

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoTitle

An empty type with a description


>>> yo = Description['yo']
>>> yo._schema.toDict()
{'description': 'yo'}
class wtypes.Examples

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

class wtypes.Default

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

class wtypes.Title

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoTitle

An empty type with a title


>>> holla = Title['holla']
>>> holla._schema.toDict()
{'title': 'holla'}
class wtypes.Const

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A constant


>>> Const[10]._schema.toDict()
{'const': 10}
>>> assert isinstance('thing', Const['thing'])
>>> assert not isinstance('jawn', Const['thing']), "Because the compiler is from Philly."
class wtypes.Bool

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

Boolean type


>>> Bool(), Bool(True), Bool(False)
(False, True, False)
>>> assert (Bool + Default[True])()


It is not possible to base class bool so object creation is customized.

class wtypes.Null

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

nil, none, null type


>>> Null(None)
>>> assert (Null + Default[None])() is None
class wtypes._NumericSchema

Bases: wtypes.base._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for numerical types

__ge__(cls, object)

Inclusive minimum

__gt__(cls, object)

Exclusive minimum

__le__(cls, object)

Inclusive maximum

__lt__(cls, object)

Exclusive maximum

__truediv__(cls, object)

multiple of a number

class wtypes.Integer

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, int

integer type


>>> assert isinstance(10, Integer)
>>> assert not isinstance(10.1, Integer)
>>> (Integer+Default[9])(9)
>>> bounded = (10< Integer)< 100
>>> bounded._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'integer', 'exclusiveMinimum': 10, 'exclusiveMaximum': 100}
>>> assert isinstance(12, bounded)
>>> assert not isinstance(0, bounded)
>>> assert (Integer/3)(9) == 9
class wtypes.Float

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, float

float type

>>> assert isinstance(10, Float)
>>> assert isinstance(10.1, Float)

Symbollic conditions.

>>> bounded = (10< Float)< 100
>>> bounded._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'number', 'exclusiveMinimum': 10, 'exclusiveMaximum': 100}
>>> assert isinstance(12.1, bounded)
>>> assert not isinstance(0.1, bounded)


>>> assert (Float+MultipleOf[3])(9) == 9
class wtypes.MultipleOf

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A multipleof constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Minimum

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A minimum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.ExclusiveMinimum

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A exclusive minimum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Maximum

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A exclusive maximum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.ExclusiveMaximum

Bases: wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base.Trait

A exclusive maximum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Properties

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Object properties.

class wtypes._ObjectSchema

Bases: wtypes.base._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for the object schema.

__getitem__(cls, object)


>>> Dict[wtypes.Forward[range], int].__annotations__
{'': typing.Union[abc.Forward, int]}
>>> Dict[wtypes.Forward[range], int]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {}, 'additionalProperties': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'integer'}]}}
class wtypes._Object

Base class for validating object types.

classmethod __init_subclass__(cls, **schema)
classmethod from_config_file(cls, *object)
class wtypes.Dict

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, dict, wtypes.base._Object

dict type


>>> assert istype(Dict, __import__('collections').abc.MutableMapping)
>>> assert (Dict + Default[{'b': 'foo'}])() == {'b': 'foo'}
>>> assert (Dict + Default[{'b': 'foo'}])({'a': 'bar'}) == {'b': 'foo', 'a': 'bar'}
>>> assert isinstance({}, Dict)
>>> assert not isinstance([], Dict)
>>> assert isinstance({'a': 1}, Dict + Required['a',])
>>> assert not isinstance({}, Dict + Required['a',])
>>> assert not isinstance({'a': 'b'}, Dict[Integer, Float])
>>> assert Dict[Integer]({'a': 1}) == {'a': 1}
>>> Dict[{'a': int}]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}}
>>> Dict[{'a': int}]({'a': 1})
{'a': 1}
__setitem__(self, key, object)

Only test the key being set to avoid invalid state.

update(self, *args, **kwargs)
class wtypes.Bunch

Bases: wtypes.base.Dict, munch.Munch

Bunch type


>>> Bunch[{'a': int}]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}}
>>> Bunch[{'a': int}]({'a': 1}).toDict()
{'a': 1}
class wtypes.AdditionalProperties

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Additional object properties.

class wtypes.Required

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Required properties.

class wtypes.minProperties

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Minimum number of properties.

class wtypes.maxProperties

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Maximum number of properties.

class wtypes.PropertyNames

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Propery name constraints.

class wtypes.Dependencies

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Properties dependencies.

class wtypes.PatternProperties

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Pattern properties names.

class wtypes._StringSchema

Bases: wtypes.base._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for strings types.

__mod__(cls, object)

A pattern string type.

__gt__(cls, object)

Minumum string length

__lt__(cls, object)

Maximum string length

class wtypes.String

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, str

string type.


>>> assert isinstance('abc', String)
>>> assert (String+Default['abc'])() == 'abc'

String patterns

>>> assert isinstance('abc', String%"^a")
>>> assert not isinstance('abc', String%"^b")

String constraints

>>> assert isinstance('abc', (2<String)<10)
>>> assert not isinstance('a', (2<String)<10)
>>> assert not isinstance('a'*100, (2<String)<10)
class wtypes.MinLength

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Minimum length of a string type.

class wtypes.MaxLength

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Maximum length of a string type.

class wtypes.ContentMediaType

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Content type of a string.

class wtypes.Pattern

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit

A regular expression pattern.

class wtypes.Format

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes._ListSchema

Bases: wtypes.base._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for list types.

__getitem__(cls, object)

List meta operations for bracketed type notation.


>>> List[wtypes.Forward[range], int]._type
typing.List[typing.Union[abc.Forward, int]]
>>> Tuple[wtypes.Forward[range], int]._type
typing.Tuple[abc.Forward, int]
__gt__(cls, object)

Minumum array length

__lt__(cls, object)

Maximum array length

class wtypes.List

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, list

List type



>>> assert isinstance([], List)
>>> assert not isinstance({}, List)

Typed list

>>> assert List[Integer]([1, 2, 3])
>>> assert isinstance([1], List[Integer])
>>> assert not isinstance([1.1], List[Integer])
>>> List[Integer, String]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'array', 'items': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'integer'}, {'type': 'string'}]}}


>>> assert List[Integer, String]([1, 'abc', 2])
>>> assert isinstance([1, '1'], List[Integer, String])
>>> assert not isinstance([1, {}], List[Integer, String])
_verify_item(self, object, id=None)

Elemental verification for interactive type checking.

__setitem__(self, id, object)
append(self, object)
insert(self, id, object)
extend(self, object)
pop(self, index=-1)
class wtypes.Unique

Bases: wtypes.base.List

Unique list type


>>> assert Unique(list('abc'))
>>> assert isinstance([1,2], Unique)
>>> assert not isinstance([1,1], Unique)
class wtypes.Tuple

Bases: wtypes.base.List

tuple type


There are no tuples in json, they are typed lists.

>>> assert Tuple._schema == List._schema


>>> assert isinstance([1,2], Tuple)
>>> assert Tuple[Integer, String]([1, 'abc'])
>>> Tuple[Integer, String]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'integer'}, {'type': 'string'}]}
>>> assert isinstance([1,'1'], Tuple[Integer, String])
>>> assert not isinstance([1,1], Tuple[Integer, String])
class wtypes.UniqueItems

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Schema for unique items in a list.

class wtypes.Contains

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes.Items

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes.AdditionalItems

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes.MinItems

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Minimum length of an array.

class wtypes.MaxItems

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Maximum length of an array.

class wtypes.Enum

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

An enumerate type that is restricted to its inputs.


>>> assert Enum['cat', 'dog']('cat')
>>> assert isinstance('cat', Enum['cat', 'dog'])
>>> assert not isinstance('🐢', Enum['cat', 'dog'])
class wtypes.ContentEncoding

Bases: Enum['7bit 8bit binary quoted-printable base64'.split()], wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

Content encodings for a string.

class wtypes.If

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

if condition type

class wtypes.Then

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

then condition type

class wtypes.Else

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

else condition type

class wtypes._NotType

Bases: wtypes.base._ConstType

validate(cls, object)
__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.Not

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

not schema.


>>> assert Not[wtypes.String](100) == 100
>>> assert not isinstance('abc', Not[wtypes.String])


See the __neg__ method for symbollic not composition.

class wtypes._AnyOfType

Bases: wtypes.base._ConstType

validate(cls, object)
__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.AnyOf

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

anyOf combined schema.


>>> assert AnyOf[wtypes.Integer, wtypes.String]('abc')
>>> assert isinstance(10, AnyOf[wtypes.Integer, wtypes.String])
>>> assert not isinstance([], AnyOf[wtypes.Integer, wtypes.String])
class wtypes._AllOfType

Bases: wtypes.base._ConstType

validate(cls, object)
__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.AllOf

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

allOf combined schema.


>>> assert AllOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3](9)
>>> assert isinstance(9, AllOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3])
>>> assert not isinstance(-9, AllOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3])
class wtypes._OneOfType

Bases: wtypes.base._ConstType

validate(cls, object)
__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.OneOf

Bases: wtypes.base.Trait

oneOf combined schema.


>>> assert OneOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3](-9)
>>> assert isinstance(-9, OneOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3])
>>> assert not isinstance(9, OneOf[wtypes.Float>0, wtypes.Integer/3])
class wtypes.Setter
__setattr__(self, key, object)

Only test the attribute being set to avoid invalid state.

class wtypes.DataClass

Bases: wtypes.dataclass.Setter, wtypes.Trait, wtypes.base._Object

Validating dataclass type


>>> class q(DataClass): a: int
>>> q._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}, 'required': ['a']}
>>> q(a=10)
>>> assert not isinstance({}, q)
classmethod __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs)
class wtypes._NoType
class wtypes._ForwardSchema

Bases: wtypes.base._ContextMeta

A forward reference to an object, the object must exist in sys.modules.


Python types live on the __annotations__ attribute.

__getitem__(cls, object)
validate(cls, object)
__add__(cls, object)
class wtypes._ArgumentSchema

Bases: wtypes.python_types._ForwardSchema

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.Args

Bases: wtypes.python_types._NoType, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes.Kwargs

Bases: wtypes.python_types._NoType, wtypes.base._NoInit, wtypes.base._NoTitle

class wtypes.Forward

Create type using objects or forward references.


>>> assert Forward['builtins.range']() is range
class wtypes.Class

Bases: wtypes.python_types.Forward

Create type using objects or forward references.


>>> assert isinstance(range, Class['builtins.range'])
classmethod validate(cls, object)
class wtypes.Instance

Bases: wtypes.python_types.Forward

Create an instance of a type using objects or forward references.


>>> assert (Instance[range] + Args[10, 20])() == range(10, 20)
>>> assert (Instance['builtins.range'] + Args[10, 20])() == range(10, 20)
>>> assert isinstance(range(10), Instance['builtins.range'])

Deffered references.

>>> assert not isinstance(1, Instance['pandas.DataFrame'])
>>> assert 'pandas' not in __import__('sys').modules
classmethod validate(cls, object)
class wtypes.Color

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Datetime

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Time

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Date

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Email

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Idnemail

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Hostname

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Idnhostname

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Ipv4

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Ipv6

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Uri

Bases: wtypes.String

_httpx_method(self, method, *args, **kwargs)
class wtypes.Urireference

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Iri

Bases: wtypes.string_formats.Uri

class wtypes.Irireference

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Uritemplate

Bases: wtypes.String

expand(self, **kwargs)
class wtypes.Jsonpointer

Bases: wtypes.String

resolve_pointer(self, doc, default=None)
class wtypes.Relativejsonpointer

Bases: wtypes.String

class wtypes.Regex

Bases: wtypes.String