
extended python types for the web and json



The limited set of base types provide by jsonschema.


Module Contents

wtypes.__version__ = 0.0.1
wtypes.istype(object, cls)

instance(object, type) and issubclass(object, cls)


>>> assert istype(int, int)
>>> assert not istype(10, int)
class wtypes._NoTitle

A subclass suppresses the class name when combining schema

class wtypes._NoInit

A subclass to restrict initializing an object from the type.

class wtypes._SchemaMeta

Bases: abc.ABCMeta

Meta operations for wtypes.

The _SchemaMeta ensures that a type’s extended schema is validate. Types cannot be generated with invalid schema.


The schema the type system validates against.


The schema the object validates against.


The resource type.

_type = http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#/properties/

Merge annotations from the module resolution order.


Merge schema from the module resolution order.

create(cls, name: str, **schema)

Create a new schema type.

  • name (str) – The title of the new type/schema
  • **schema (dict) – Extra features to add include in the schema.

Return type:



The Not version of a type.


The type.

__add__(cls, object)

Add types together

__and__(cls, object)

AllOf the conditions

__sub__(cls, object)

AnyOf the conditions

__or__(cls, object)

OneOf the conditions

validate(cls, object)

Validate an object against type’s schema.


isinstance can used for validation, too.

Parameters:object – An object to validate.
Raises:jsonschema.ValidationError – The jsonschema module validation throws an exception on failure, otherwise the returns a None type.
__instancecheck__(cls, object)
class wtypes._ConstType

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

ConstType permits bracketed syntax for defining complex types.


The bracketed notebook should differeniate actions on types versus those on objects.

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes._ContainerType

Bases: wtypes._ConstType

ContainerType extras schema from bracketed arguments to define complex types.

__getitem__(cls, object)

infer a schema from an object.

class wtypes.Trait

A trait is an object validated by a validate jsonschema.

_type = http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource
class wtypes.Description

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoTitle

An empty type with a description


>>> yo = Description['yo']
>>> yo._schema.toDict()
{'description': 'yo'}
class wtypes.Examples

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

class wtypes.Title

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoTitle

An empty type with a title


>>> holla = Title['holla']
>>> holla._schema.toDict()
{'title': 'holla'}
class wtypes.Const

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A constant


>>> Const[10]._schema.toDict()
{'const': 10}
>>> assert isinstance('thing', Const['thing'])
>>> assert not isinstance('jawn', Const['thing']), "Because the compiler is from Philly."
class wtypes.Bool

Bases: wtypes.Trait

Boolean type


>>> Bool(), Bool(True), Bool(False)
(False, True, False)


It is not possible to base class bool so object creation is customized.

class wtypes.Null

Bases: wtypes.Trait

nil, none, null type


>>> Null(None)
class wtypes._NumericSchema

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for numerical types

__ge__(cls, object)

Inclusive minimum

__gt__(cls, object)

Exclusive minimum

__le__(cls, object)

Inclusive maximum

__lt__(cls, object)

Exclusive maximum

__truediv__(cls, object)

multiple of a number

class wtypes.Integer

Bases: wtypes.Trait, int

integer type

>>> assert isinstance(10, Float)

Symbollic conditions.

>>> bounded = (10< Float)< 100
>>> bounded._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'number', 'exclusiveMinimum': 10, 'exclusiveMaximum': 100}
>>> assert isinstance(12, bounded)
>>> assert not isinstance(0, bounded)


>>> assert (Integer+MultipleOf[3])(9) == 9
class wtypes.Float

Bases: wtypes.Trait, float

float type

>>> assert isinstance(10, Integer)
>>> assert not isinstance(10.1, Integer)
>>> bounded = (10< Float)< 100
>>> bounded._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'number', 'exclusiveMinimum': 10, 'exclusiveMaximum': 100}
>>> assert isinstance(12, bounded)
>>> assert not isinstance(0, bounded)
>>> assert (Integer/3)(9) == 9
class wtypes.MultipleOf

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A multipleof constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Minimum

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A minimum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.ExclusiveMinimum

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A exclusive minimum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Maximum

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A exclusive maximum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.ExclusiveMaximum

Bases: wtypes._NoInit, wtypes.Trait

A exclusive maximum constraint for numeric types.

class wtypes.Properties

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Object properties.

class wtypes._ObjectSchema

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for the object schema.

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes._Object

Base class for validating object types.

classmethod __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs)
load(self, *object)
class wtypes.Dict(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wtypes.Trait, dict, wtypes._Object

dict type


>>> assert isinstance({}, Dict)
>>> assert not isinstance([], Dict)
>>> assert isinstance({'a': 1}, Dict + Required['a',])
>>> assert not isinstance({}, Dict + Required['a',])
>>> assert not isinstance({'a': 'b'}, Dict[Integer, Float])
>>> assert Dict[Integer]({'a': 1}) == {'a': 1}
>>> Dict[{'a': int}]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}}
>>> Dict[{'a': int}]({'a': 1})
{'a': 1}
class wtypes.Bunch(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: wtypes.Dict, munch.Munch

Bunch type


>>> Bunch[{'a': int}]._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}}
>>> Bunch[{'a': int}]({'a': 1}).toDict()
{'a': 1}
class wtypes.DataClass

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._Object

Validating dataclass type


>>> class q(DataClass): a: int
>>> q._schema.toDict()
{'type': 'object', 'properties': {'a': {'type': 'integer'}}}
>>> q(a=10)
classmethod __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs)
class wtypes.AdditionalProperties

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Additional object properties.

class wtypes.Required

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Required properties.

class wtypes.minProperties

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Minimum number of properties.

class wtypes.maxProperties

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Maximum number of properties.

class wtypes.PropertyNames

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Propery name constraints.

class wtypes.Dependencies

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Properties dependencies.

class wtypes.PatternProperties

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Pattern properties names.

class wtypes._StringSchema

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for strings types.

__mod__(cls, object)

A pattern string type.

__gt__(cls, object)

Minumum string length

__lt__(cls, object)

Maximum string length

class wtypes.String

Bases: wtypes.Trait, str

string type.


>>> assert isinstance('abc', String)

String patterns

>>> assert isinstance('abc', String%"^a")
>>> assert not isinstance('abc', String%"^b")

String constraints

>>> assert isinstance('abc', (2<String)<10)
>>> assert not isinstance('a', (2<String)<10)
>>> assert not isinstance('a'*100, (2<String)<10)
class wtypes.MinLength

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Minimum length of a string type.

class wtypes.MaxLength

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Maximum length of a string type.

class wtypes.ContentMediaType

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Content type of a string.

class wtypes.Pattern

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit

A regular expression pattern.

class wtypes._ListSchema

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for list types.

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.List

Bases: wtypes.Trait, list

List type



>>> assert isinstance([], List)
>>> assert not isinstance({}, List)

Typed list

>>> assert isinstance([1], List[Integer])
>>> assert not isinstance([1.1], List[Integer])


>>> assert isinstance([1, '1'], List[Integer, String])
>>> assert not isinstance([1, {}], List[Integer, String])
class wtypes.Unique

Bases: wtypes.List

Unique list type


>>> assert isinstance([1,2], Unique)
>>> assert not isinstance([1,1], Unique)
class wtypes._TupleSchema

Bases: wtypes._SchemaMeta

Meta operations for list types.

__getitem__(cls, object)
class wtypes.Tuple

Bases: wtypes.Trait

tuple type


There are no tuples in json, they are typed lists.

>>> assert Tuple._schema == List._schema


>>> assert isinstance([1,2], Tuple)
>>> assert isinstance([1,'1'], Tuple[Integer, String])
>>> assert not isinstance([1,1], Tuple[Integer, String])
class wtypes.UniqueItems

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Schema for unique items in a list.

class wtypes.Contains

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

class wtypes.Items

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

class wtypes.AdditionalItems

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

class wtypes.Not

Bases: wtypes.Trait

not schema.


>>> assert Not[String](100) == 100
>>> assert not isinstance('abc', Not[String])


See the __neg__ method for symbollic not composition.

class wtypes.AnyOf

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit

anyOf combined schema.


>>> assert isinstance(10, AnyOf[Integer, String])
>>> assert not isinstance([], AnyOf[Integer, String])
class wtypes.AllOf

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit

allOf combined schema.


>>> assert isinstance(9, AllOf[Float>0, Integer/3])
>>> assert not isinstance(-9, AllOf[Float>0, Integer/3])
class wtypes.OneOf

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit

oneOf combined schema.


>>> assert isinstance(-9, OneOf[Float>0, Integer/3])
>>> assert not isinstance(9, OneOf[Float>0, Integer/3])
class wtypes.Enum

Bases: wtypes.Trait, wtypes._NoInit

An enumerate type that is restricted to its inputs.


>>> assert isinstance('cat', Enum['cat', 'dog'])
>>> assert not isinstance('🐢', Enum['cat', 'dog'])
class wtypes.ContentEncoding

Bases: Enum['7bit 8bit binary quoted-printable base64'.split()], wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

Content encodings for a string.

class wtypes.Format

Bases: Enum[_formats], wtypes._NoInit, wtypes._NoTitle

class wtypes.If

Bases: wtypes.Trait

class wtypes.Then

Bases: wtypes.Trait

class wtypes.Else

Bases: wtypes.Trait

class wtypes.Configurable

Bases: wtypes.DataClass

A configurable classs that is create with dataclass syntax.